/* (Develooping flash Chat version 1.2) */
/* ____________________________________ */
/* (Develooping flash Chat version 1.2) */
/* ____________________________________ */
/* (Develooping flash Chat version 1.2) */
/* ____________________________________ */
/* Chat settings */
/* _________________*/
$url=""; //absolute url to scripts directory
$text_order = "down"; //use "down" o "up" to show messages downwars or upwards
$review_text_order = "down"; //the same with review messages windos
$delete_empty_room = "no"; //use "yes" to delete messagees when the room is empty
$show_without_time = "no"; //"no" shows always hour, "yes" shows hour only whe the user enters or leaves the room
$password_system = "ip"; //"ip" o "password" to use ip or password to identify users
/* NOTE: the banning system only works with "ip" "ip" */
/* Use "password" only when users come from the same ip*/
/* Administration variables */
/* _______________________ */
$admin_name = "admin"; //user name for admin (max. 12 characters)
$admin_password = "admin"; // password for admin (max. 12 characters)
/* Chat numeric variables */
/* _______________________ */
$correct_time = 2850;//difference in seconds with time in server
$chat_lenght = 15;//number of messages displayed in chat room
$review_lenght = 500;//number of messages displayed in review messages
$total_lenght = 1000;//number of messages stored in chat file
$minutes_to_delete = 15; //minutes to delete inactive users
/* Words to filter */
/* _________________ */
$words_to_filter = array("fucking", "fuck", "shit", "cunt", "piss");//list of bad words to replace (add more if you want)
$replace_by = "*@#!";//expression to replace bad words
/* Expressions to translate in intro page */
/* ______________________________________ */
$intro_alert="Please:"; //
$alert_message_1="-The name length must be at least 4 characters"; //
$alert_message_2="-The password length must be at least 4 characters"; //
$alert_message_3="-Don't use special characters or numbers in the name"; //
$alert_message_4="-Sorry, we need to get your IP to allow the access"; //
$alert_message_5="-Don't use special characters in the password"; //
$person_word="person"; //
$plural_particle="s"; //
$now_in_the_chat= " now in the chat room";//
$require_sentence = "This chat requires Flash 4"; //
$name_word = "Name"; //
$password_word = "Password"; //
$enter_button = "Enter" ; //
$enter_sentence_1 = "To enter in the chat room, input your name ";//
$enter_sentence_2 = "and password";//
$enter_sentence_3 = " and click the button";//
$name_taken= "use other name";
/* Expressions to translate in chat room */
/* ______________________________________ */
$private_message_expression = "\(for (.*)\)"; //Regular expression for beginning of private message
$before_name="(for "; // if you change the regular expression write here the text between "\ and (.*)
$after_name=")"; // if you change the regular expression write here the text after (.*)
$not_here_string = "-The receiver is not in the room-"; //receiver of private message is not in the room
$bye_string = "Bye. We hope see you soon, ";//message showed to dimissed user
$enter_string = "(just entered in the room)";//message showed when a new user enters.
$bye_user = "(just left the room)";//message showed when a user exits.
$kicked_user = "---You have been kicked from this room---";//message showed in the chat room to kicked user.
$bye_kicked_user = "The next time, try to be polite";//bye for kicked users
$bye_banned_user = "Bye, your entrance to this room have been prohibited";//bye for banned users
$banned_user = "Sorry, you can not enter in this room";//message for banned user trying to enter
/* Expressions to translate in chat interface */
/* ___________________________________________ */
$intro_text="Before entering, read the following indications.
$intro_text .="If there is somebody in the room with the name that you have chosen, a numerical extension will be added to your name. ";
$intro_text .="If you enter with the name of Carlos and there is someone called Carlos in the room, your name will become Carlos1.
$intro_text .="You can see the connected users and send private messages to them, activate and deactivate the sound ('speaker' icon) and review the conversation ('back arrow' icon).
$intro_text .="That's all. Enjoy the chat.";//
Connecting with the chat room. Please, wait a moment..."; //
$you_are="you are"; //
$connected_users= "Connected users";//
$private_message_to= "private message to";//
$private_message_text="The private messages only can be seen by the sender and the receiver.
$private_message_text.="Write the exact name of the receiver or he will not be able to see the message.
$private_message_text.="Remember that you can copy a selected text and paste it in any other field using the right button in Windows or ctrl-click in Mac.";//
/* Expressions to translate in review messages page */
/* ________________________________________________ */
$review_title ="Chat. Last Messages";// title for review messages page
/* Expressions to translate in administration pages */
/* ________________________________________________ */
$link_to_admin ="Administration";// text for link to administration pages
$intro_admin_title = "Develooping Chat Admin";// title for administration intro page
$intro_admin_name = "Name";//Text for name field in administration intro page
$intro_admin_password = "Password";//Text for name field in administration intro page
$intro_admin_button= "Ok";//Text for button in administration intro page
$no_users = "There aren't users in the room";//no users in the room
$text_for_kick_button = "Kick";//text fof kick button
$text_for_bann_button = "Bann";//text for button for bannig ips
$no_ips = "There aren't banned IPs in the room";//no banned IPs in the room
$text_for_pardon_button = "Pardon";//text for button to pardon ips
$ip_link = "Administration for banned IPs";//text for link to banned IPs
$no_ip_link = "The chat is not using the IP to identify users, so they cannot be banned";//text if you use password instead de IP
$users_link = "Administration for user list";//text for link to connected users
original text here :
/* Setarile Chatului */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* Tradus de Michi */
/* ______________________________ */
$url=""; //url-ul absolut catre scripturi
$text_order = "down"; //foloseste "down" si "up" pentru afisarea mesajului in jos sau in sus
$review_text_order = "up"; //acelasi lucru pentru mesajele revazute din fereastra
$delete_empty_room = "yes"; //foloseste "yes" pentru stergerea mesajelor cand camera este goala
$show_without_time = "yes"; //"no" arata de fiecare data ora, "yes" arata ora doar cand userul intra sau iese
$password_system = "ip"; //"ip" si "password" pentru identificarea utilizatorilor
/* NOTE: sistemul de banare functioneaza numai cu "ip" */
/* Foloseste "password" doar atunci cand utilizatorii au acelasi ip */
/* Variabilele Administratorului */
/* _____________________________ */
$admin_name = "Admin"; //numele administrator (maxim 12 caractere)
$admin_password = "Admin"; // parola administratorului (maxim 12 caractere)
/* Variabilele numerica ale Chat-ului */
/* __________________________________ */
$correct_time = 0;//diferenta in secunde a timpului din server
$chat_lenght = 50;//numarul de mesaje afisate in camera de chat
$review_lenght = 500;//numarul de mesaje afisate in fereastra de mesaje revazute
$total_lenght = 1000;//numarul de mesaje pastrate in fisierul de chat
/* Filtru de cuvinte (numai peste 18 ani) */
/* ______________________________________ */
$words_to_filter = array("muie", "pula", "pizda", "fut", "cacat", "pisat", "rahat", "cur", "sug", "suge", "linge", "lingea", "futea", /*<
$replace_by = "####";//expresia care cenzureaza cuvintele obscene
/* Expresii traduse in pagina de intro */
/* ______________________________________ */
$intro_alert="Va rog :"; //
$alert_message_1="-Lungimea Numelui trebuie sa aiba cel putin 4 caractere"; //
$alert_message_2="-Lungimea parolei trebuie sa aiba cel putin 4 caractere"; //
$alert_message_3="-Nu folositi caractere speciale sau numere in nume"; //
$alert_message_4="-Scuze, ne trebuie IP-ul pentru a-ti da acces in chat"; //
$alert_message_5="-Nu folosi caractere speciale in parola"; //
$person_word=" utilizator"; //
$plural_particle="i"; //
$now_in_the_chat= " acum in camera de chat";//
$require_sentence = "Acest chat are ca cerinte Macromedia Flash 6 plugin";
$name_word = "Nume : "; //
$password_word = "Parola : "; //
$enter_button = " Intra " ; //
$enter_sentence_1 = "Pentru a intra in chat introduceti numele ";//
$enter_sentence_2 = "si parola";//
$enter_sentence_3 = " si apasati butonul";//
/* Expresii traduse in camera de chat */
/* __________________________________ */
$private_message_expression = "\(pentru (.*)\)"; //expresie standard pentru inceperea mesajului privat
$before_name="(pentru "; // daca schimbi expresia standard scrie-o pe cea noua intre "\ and (.*)
$after_name=")"; // daca schimbi expresia standard scrie-o pe cea noua intre (.*)
$not_here_string = " - Primitorul nu este in camera de chat-"; //primitorul mesajului privat nu este in camera de chat
$bye_string = "Larevedere. Speram sa te revedem cat de curand, ";//mesaj aparut dupa iesire
$enter_string = "(a intrat in chat)";//mesaj aparut cand a intrat un nou utilizator.
$bye_user = "(a parasit chat-ul)";//mesaj aparut cand utilizatorul a iesit.
$kicked_user = ":: Ai fost dat afara din aceasta camera ::";//mesaj aparut in camera de chat celor dati afara.
$bye_kicked_user = "!!! Data viitoare, incearca sa fi politicos !!!";//larevedere pentru utilizatorii dati afara
$bye_banned_user = "!!! Larevedere, accesul tau in aceasta camera a fost restrictionat !!!";//larevedere pentru userii banati
$banned_user = "!!! Nu mai ai acces in aceasta camera !!!";//mesaj pentru utilizatorii banati aparut la intrare
/* Expresii traduse in interfata de chat */
/* _____________________________________ */
$intro_text=" Inainte sa intrati, cititi urmatoarele indicatii.
$intro_text .="
Daca este cineva in camera cu numele tau iti vom adauga sufix numeric numelui.
$intro_text .="
exemplu: Daca intri cu numele de Mihai iar in chat se afla deja cineva cu acest nume, numele tau va deveni Mihai1.
$intro_text .="
Poti sa vezi utilizatorii din camera de chat si poti sa le trimiti mesaje private (apasand pe numele respectiv din lista), activeaza si dezactiveaza sunetul (iconita cu difuzorul) si poti sa revizuiesti conversatiile (iconita cu sageata inapoi).
$intro_text .="
Asta'i tot. Distractie placuta pe chat.
Se conecteaza cu camera de chat. Asteptati un moment..."; //
$you_are="tu esti"; //
$connected_users= "Utilizatori conectati ";//
$private_message_to= "mesaj privat lui ";//
$private_message_text="Mesajele private pot fi vazute doar de utilizator si de primitor.";
$private_message_text.="Scrie numele exact al primitorului sau el nu va putea primi mesajul.";
$private_message_text.="Iti reamintim ca poti selecta si copia un text si pune in alta parte folosind butonul dreapta al mouselui in windows si Ctrl-clik in Mac.";
/* Expresii traduse in pagina de mesaje revizuite */
/* ______________________________________________ */
$review_title ="Chat. Ultimele Mesaje";// titlu pentru ultimul mesaj
/* Expresii traduse in pagina de administrare */
/* __________________________________________ */
$link_to_admin ="Administrare";// Text pentru link-ul catre pagina de administrare
$intro_admin_title = "EVOLVA CHAT v1.8 Admin";// titlu pentru pagina de administrare
$intro_admin_name = "Nume";//Text pentru casuta de nume in pagina de administrare
$intro_admin_password = "Parola";//text pentru casuta de nume din pagina de administrare
$intro_admin_button= "Ok";//text pentru butonul din prima pagina de administrare
$no_users = "Nu sunt utilizatori in camera";//nu sun tilizatori in camera
$text_for_kick_button = " Afara ";//text pentru butonul de Kick
$text_for_bann_button = " Bann ";//text pentru butonul de bannat ip-ul
$no_ips = "Nu sunt IP-uri banate in camera.";//nu sunt ip-uri banate in camera
$text_for_pardon_button = "Pardon";//text pentru a sterge un ip banat
$ip_link = "Administratia pentru IP-urile banate";//text pentru link-ul catre ip-urile banate
$no_ip_link = "Chatul nu foloseste IP-uri pentru diferentierea utilizatorilor, asa ca ei nu pot fi banati";//text daca inlocuiesti ip-ul cu parola
$users_link = "Administratia pentru lista de utilizatori";//text pentru link-ul catre utilizatorii conectati
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